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椅桌凳冲击试验机,强度试验机进口机型一共二十多种,涵盖办公家具各类功能检测仪器。符合剩GB/T10357./EN1728./ANSI BIFMA X5.1./BS4875/BS EN527/BS EN581/BS EN1335.等




Test Method for Seat Chair and seat surface:


Seat Surface Static Load Test:

vertically down through the loading block to exert force on the load point and keep at least 10 seconds. And repeated 10 times


Fatigue test of the seat: by loading pad, put 950N force and the specified times to repeat vertically down impose to the load point of the seat surface. Loading rate no more than 40 times per minute


Impact test of the seat: put a piece of foam on the seat surface, then place the impactor of the seat in a specified height and make it fall freely. impact loading site 10 times each.


Test methods for back of the chair


Static Load Test for back of the chair: put the baffle on the chair leg. Then impose the specified balance loading to the load point of the seat. And then provides the f广东癫痫病医院orce perpendicular to the direction along the back pad by loading imposed on the load point. To keep at least 10 seconds each. And repeated 10 times.


Fatigue test of the 颞叶癫痫病的治疗方法seat back : use the block fixed the feet of the chair and then impose the 950N force vertically to the surface load point, through the back loading block. Impose 330 N force with specified times to the back loading site. Loading rate no more than 40 times per minute.



1、 垂直负载下的稳定性试验:

Stability test of the vertical load


Place test specimen on the base surface. Impose the force to the table in its center from the edge of the most unstable inward 50mm desktop vertically down through the loading pad gradually with augmented the value or at le脑外伤癫痫发作ast one specimen legs up off the ground.


Vertical and horizontal load stability test


Put the specimen on the test-based surface. With the block blocking the most unstable side of the specimen legs to prevent the test specimen to move. The edge center from the edge inward 50mm desktop department ,exert downward vertical 100N force by loading pad. While exert a level force on the center desk of the edge, increase gradually to a specified value or one leg near to the floor at least.


Vertical static load test


On the most easy抗癫痫药物费用 damaged position of the desk surface , to impose the specified force by loading pad, vertical put down repeated 10 times. Keep 10 seconds at least.

Desktop sustained vertical load test




Impact test of the seat: put a piece of foam on the seat surface, then place the impactor of the seat in a specified height and make it fall freely. impact loading site 10 times each.

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